Jette Harthimmer

Clairvoyant og spirituel mentor


24. Else Mulvik – norsk – 56 min – Still Point

Else Mulvik Still Point podcastElse Mulvik.

Har du hørt om Still Point? Det stille punkt i dig selv? For mig var det en helt ny og ukendt behandlingsform, så jeg måtte tage til Oslo for at opleve en behandling på egen krop og efterfølgende interviewe Still Point-instruktør Else Mulvik. Else siger, at Still Point handler om at udfolde dine egne potentialer og styrker, finde glæden og entusiasmen, og tage livet op og turde handle. Vi kommer også ind på emner som vibrapati og Still Point space clearing. Grundlæggeren af Still Point er John Opsahl.

Else Mulvik er i dag IKYA Practitioner, og du kan kontakte hende her >> IKYA Klinikken. 

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Jeg beklager lydkvaliteten. Optagelsen stammer fra et kassettebånd, og vi sad i et meget stort lokale med en rungende lydakustik. Jeg har aftalt at lave et nyt interview næste gang, jeg besøger Oslo, denne gang med John Opsahl.
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Nyhed: Nu kan du høre mit interview med John Opsahl.
Podcast episode nr. 56 >> John Opsahl – AMATI – Spirituel Frihed. ??

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Hvad er en Still Point behandling? (engelsk forklaring)

The “Still Point” treatment is a therapeutic technique derived from CranioSacral Therapy (CST), developed by Dr. John Upledger. This technique involves inducing a momentary pause in the craniosacral rhythm, which is the natural flow of cerebrospinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord. This pause is known as the Still Point and can occur spontaneously or be induced by a practitioner​ (Massage Today)​​ (Therapeutic Bodywork)​.

Inducing a Still Point can have several therapeutic benefits. It helps to release tension in the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, facilitating the body’s natural healing processes. When the cerebrospinal fluid flow is momentarily halted and then released, it can “flush” the system, stretching the membranes and relieving any restrictions or adhesions. This process can improve overall craniosacral system function, enhancing blood flow to the brain and promoting relaxation throughout the body​ (Massage Today)​​ (Cranial Therapy Centre – Toronto)​.

The effects of reaching a Still Point include deep relaxation, stress reduction, headache and muscle pain relief, improved sleep, and enhanced immune system function. The technique is often used to manage chronic pain, tension headaches, and anxiety, among other conditions​ (Hosh Yoga -)​.

For self-care, individuals can use a Still Point Inducer, a simple device that can replicate the effects of the Still Point technique. This device can be made at home using two tennis or lacrosse balls placed in a sock, or purchased commercially. When used, it helps to induce the Still Point by gently supporting the head and creating the necessary pause in the craniosacral rhythm​ (Therapeutic Bodywork)​.

Overall, the Still Point technique is a gentle and effective method for promoting relaxation and healing, making it a valuable tool in both professional therapy settings and for individual self-care practices.